BORYNKAS are mythical creatures that have lived in the heart of the Little Carpathians at the foot of Pajštún Castle since time immemorial.
Although they love people above all else, they have not been seen in the past because there was no mediator between BORYNKAS and people. This is different now, because on a beautiful autumn day they visited Sarah in her garden and made friends with her.

The BORYNKAS told her that they could be found wherever good people live with plants. They especially like gardens, but also terraces, balconies and flower pots. They absolutely need at least one plant to live on, which they take care of lovingly. Where BORYNKAS feel at home, flowers thrive particularly splendidly and the trees bear bigger and sweeter fruits. Where there are no plants, the BORYNKAS become very unhappy.

BORYNKAS are very fashion-conscious and passionately like to wear earrings that can be changed. Openings in their hats or caps are used for additional decoration with cut flowers or branches.

Sarah lovingly handcrafts the portraits of BORYNKAS from earth, water, sun and fire. The BORYNKAS - as unique as the people - are handmade originals down to the smallest detail. They are suitable for gardens, terraces, balconies and decorations for apartments. For plant lovers BORYNKAS offer the possibility to complete their plant world with a playful work of art. BORYNKAS enrich a beautiful garden, which becomes even more beautiful with BORYNKAS. They give your garden or balcony that extra something. Design your garden individually with a small work of art and with your own individual history.  

BORYNKAS - mythical creatures from nature and garden - are made of clay or porcelain.

BORYNKAS are made of ceramic clay using no form other than a hemisphere. As porcelain is often cast into the mould, Sarah made some moulds into which BORYNKAS made of porcelain are cast. Also the further processing is pure manual work. For this reason no identical BORYNKA can be produced again. Only ecological colours and glazes are used.  The glazing and firing with up to 1250°C makes them weatherproof. The BORYNKAS are approx. 20 - 35 cm tall and weigh approx. 1-2 kg.

Each BORYNKA has a name and is handed over to the new family with a certificate of authenticity with catalogue number and a piece of home (pieces of wood, soil, flower seeds). Sarah is particularly pleased about reports on how her new family member is doing.

The certificate guarantees the uniqueness and authenticity of the work of art and thus makes every garden or balcony unique.


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Danke für Logo, Piktogramme, Ornamente, Zeichnungen, Beratung und Unterstützung an:

Liquid - Agentur für Gestaltung - Augsburg

Burg Pajštún Zeichnung Burg Pajštún
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© Atelier Pavillon 350 - BORYNKA

